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During the Queering the Balkans: Youth for equal love seminar FYEG together with Revolt, supported by European Youth Foundation, Green European Foundation, the Green Group of the European Parliament and Heinrich Böll Foundation organized a panel debate on the topic ”LGBT+ rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Where are we and where are we going? ”
The debate was placed in the Revolt office, Kaldrma 2, Tuzla on Saturday 20:00, 15.12.2012.


The speakers discussed the current situation of LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, asexual, queer etc.) rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also talked about what has been done until now, what are the experiences from the past, is there any progress and what has changed, problems and situation considering LGBT+ rights, the violence and discrimination against the LGBT+ community. They shared their experiences and strategies in the fight for LGBT+ rights and what should we do in the future.

The speakers also explained the feminist perspective towards the problem and the role of youth organizations. Moderator was Azra Djafic from Revolt – Tuzla.


  • Lejla Huremovic, Sarajevo Open Centre- LGBT rights are human rights! Situation of LGBT+ rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Violence and discrimination against LGBT+ people.
  • Damir Dejanovic, Revolt- Youth activism and LGBT+! What is/ can be the role of youth organization in the fight for LGBT+ rights?
  • Marija Vuletic, Foundation Cure- Feminist movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina and LGBT+ rights. What is the position of the feminist movement towards this question? How they can support the LGBT+ movement?
  • Terry Reintke, Federation of Young European Greens- The Greens and LGBT+. Balkan Queer Green network.


After the input from the speakers, audience were asking the questions and participate in discussion. Some of the local political representatives were discussing with speakers too. Debate was supported by local people and some of the radio/portals in BiH.

Debate was successful and we thank our speakers and guests for participating. One big thing we have all learn from it, THESE IS A POTENTIAL on Balkan! Involve and change.


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